
Read the latest blog posts from 16x Prompt on the AI coding industry.


What's Claude AI Daily Usage Limit Quota? (Free vs Pro)

Understand Claude AI's daily usage limits for free and Pro users. Learn about message quotas, reset cycles, and tips to maximize your Claude experience.


Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT-4o: Context Window and Token Limit

Claude 3.5 Sonnet and GPT-4o have different context window and token limits. Here's how they compare and what it means for developers.


Claude Pro vs API: Cost Comparison for Developers

Compare the cost differences between Claude Pro subscription and Claude 3.5 Sonnet API usage for coding tasks, and determine which option is more suitable for developers.


Top 8 Apps Built with AI Coding in 2024

See how AI Coding tools like ChatGPT and Claude has helped non-developers to create complex applications, showcasing various projects ranging from web apps to AI assistants.


Code to Tokens Conversion: A Developer’s Guide

Understanding how lines of code translate to tokens is crucial for developers using AI tools like ChatGPT. This guide breaks down the conversion process and its implications.


ChatGPT for Coding: Effective Use Cases and Limitations

ChatGPT excels in coding tasks such as refactoring and data analysis, and where it may fall short, like complex application development and debugging.


ChatGPT Plus vs API: Cost Comparison

Compare the cost differences between ChatGPT Plus subscription and GPT-4o API usage, and find out which option suits your coding needs better.


ChatGPT Context Window and Token Limit

ChatGPT is a powerful AI tool for coding, but its performance is limited by context window and token limit. Here's how developers can work around them.


AI Coding: Enterprise Adoption and Concerns

Addressing key enterprise concerns such as IP issues, privacy, customer data security, and compliance in the adoption of AI coding tools.


AI Coding Evolution and Landscape: L1 to L5

AI coding from code completion (L1) to task automation (L2), project automation (L3), AI software engineer (L4), and AI development teams (L5).