16x Prompt Release Notes

Release notes for 16x Prompt. Latest features and improvements.


October 19, 2024

  • Moved stats section to the right side of the screen to make it more visible
  • Added more stats and hints to the stats section to guide users on how to improve their prompts
Release 0.0.73 - Stats Section


October 3, 2024

  • Added search filter for OpenRouter models
  • Added notes on how to setup Ollama API
  • Removed daily quota consumption for cases where API request fails
  • Switched the auto-update server from GitHub to AWS CloudFront
    • This could potentially cause auto-update to fail for some users, please download the latest version manually if you encounter any issues

Thanks to Benjamin for the feedback and suggestions!


September 26, 2024

  • Added file filter in context list to show only files that match the filter
  • Added ability to expand task instruction (raw prompt) vertically
  • Updated default folder filter for Python projects to include .venv folder
  • Added ability to reset filters for folder import
  • Incased the maximum number of files for a single import from 200 to 500

Thanks to Surya and 주효 for the feedback and suggestions!

Release 0.0.70 - Filter Context List


September 25, 2024

  • Added support for OpenAI o1 models, you need to enable Small / Alpha option in the model selection to see them
    • o1-mini is classified as a Small Model
    • o1-preview is classified as an Alpha Model
  • Added ability to edit and sort saved task instructions
  • Added "Blog Update" task type
    • 16x Prompt is surprisingly good at writing and updating blog posts, you should try it!

Thanks to Asentrix for the feedback and suggestions!

Release 0.0.69 - OpenAI O1 Models Release 0.0.69 - Edit Task Instructions


September 15, 2024

  • Added support for Azure OpenAI API

Thanks to aiur for the feedback and suggestions!

Release 0.0.68 - Azure OpenAI API


September 14, 2024

  • Added ability to expand or collapse text area for follow-up
  • Added stats section with task difficulty measure
  • Added feature to save conversation history to a file
  • Removed option to include newly added files in final prompt since it was causing performance issues
  • Improved file handling: Ignore fonts, videos, and binary files by default

Note: The new OpenAI O1 models are only available via API for account on Usage tier 5, which is inaccessible for most users, hence it is not added to the first party models. However, you can access it via the built-in OpenRouter API.

Thanks to Richard, Tim & Lilly and Nymora for the feedback and suggestions!

Release 0.0.67 - Stats Section


September 8, 2024

  • Added ability to re-scan folders for new files
  • Added information on currently selected files
  • Saved the last conversation in the API response history to hard disk so that it can be restored after a restart
    • A way to save all previous conversations will be added in the future

Thanks to Richard and 주효 for the feedback and suggestions!

Release 0.0.66 - Rescan Folders


September 4, 2024

  • Added support for models from 3rd party APIs
    • You can now connect to 3rd party APIs that are compatible with OpenAI API.
  • Fixed issue where the context list can become empty when adding files
  • Added an additional Copy button at the bottom right corner of the code block in the API response modal

Thanks to Leonardo, gabel M and Abadi for the feedback and suggestions!

Release 0.0.65 - 3rd Party API Support


September 1, 2024

  • Optimized final prompt generation for large code context lists
    • A debounce of 300ms is added to prevent generating the final prompt too frequently.
    • A spinner is shown when generating the final prompt to indicate the process.
  • Unified the layout and behavior of all modals
    • You can press Esc to close any modal.

Thanks to Leonardo and Edwin for the feedback and suggestions!


August 24, 2024

  • Added experimental support for prompt caching for Anthropic models (Claude 3.5 Sonnet).
    • Prompt caching is disabled by default and can be enabled in the settings.
    • The first message of a session would be cached if prompt caching is enabled.
    • The cache is valid for only 5 minutes (this is a limit set by Anthropic).
    • Enabling prompt caching increases the cost of API requests as caching costs more than input tokens.
    • Only enable it if you need to ask multiple follow-up questions in a short period of time.
    • For more information, refer to the Anthropic documentation on Prompt Caching.
  • Added API response history (only for the last session).
  • Added sample custom instructions for Next.js, SQL and Python.
  • Fixed a bug where extra comma for ignore list causes all files to be ignored.

Thanks to 주효, Mark and Arun for the feedback and suggestions!


August 23, 2024

  • Added support for dark mode
  • Added ability to add folders via dialog box instead of drag-and-drop
  • Changed the followup input to a text area for multi-line input
  • Updated wording on include/exclude subfolders to be more clear

Thanks to Edwin, pancakeDESTROYA, Leo and illcrx for the feedback and suggestions!

Release 0.0.62 - Dark Mode and Folder Dialog Box


August 18, 2024

  • Added ability to toggle include/exclude folders
  • Added ability to remove folders from the code context list
  • Added support for Vue.js syntax highlighting in API response
Release 0.0.61 - Folder Actions


August 17, 2024

  • Added automatic file content update when the file is changed outside of the application
    • You can still force refresh the file content by clicking the refresh button in case the automatic update fails
  • Added support for gpt-4o-2024-08-06 model
  • Changed license validation from usage-based to machine-based, allowing users to deactivate and reactivate the license on different machines
    • Please contact us if you encounter any issues with the new licensing system


August 11, 2024

  • Added support for OpenRouter models via API (186 models in total, including some free models)
  • Revamped model selection UI to allow user selection of models for comparison instead of fixed pairs
Release 0.0.58 - OpenRouter Models


August 8, 2024

  • Added ability to save and load frequently used task instructions

Thanks to Guilherme for the feedback and suggestions!

Release 0.0.57 - Save Task Instructions


August 4, 2024

  • Optimized performance when having a large number of files in the code context list
  • Changed the default model to Claude 3.5 Sonnet
  • Updated Claude 3.5 Sonnet to beta with 8192 output token limit
  • Added new models: GPT-4 Turbo and GPT-4o Long Output (You need alpha access to GPT-4o Long Output model to use it)
  • Added classification of models based on their types (General, Small, Legacy, Alpha)

Thanks to TheScapeAddict for the feedback and suggestions!

Release 0.0.56 - New Models and Model Classification


August 3, 2024

  • Added ability to ask follow-up questions to the API response. Works for model comparison as well.
Release 0.0.55 - Follow-up Questions Release 0.0.55 - Follow-up Questions for Model Comparison


July 28, 2024

  • Fixed manually adding files to the code context list not working correctly
  • Increased the file size limit to 500KB to allow larger files to be added to the code context list

Thanks to Walid for the feedback and suggestions!


July 27, 2024

  • Updated the source code context list to show folders before files in the tree structure
  • Automatically ignore image files when adding files to the code context list
  • Fixed an issue where importing multiple folders at once only imports the last folder
  • Fixed an issue where removing a file from the code context list removes the wrong file in some cases
Release 0.0.53 - Folders Before Files


July 26, 2024

  • Revamped source code context list to have a tree structure similar to a code editor
  • Moved task instruction to the right side of the screen to give more space for the code context list
  • Added ability to collapse/expand folders in the code context list
  • Remove parent folder options and sorting options since they are no longer relevant
  • Fixed an issue where API response modals were not occupying the full screen width on larger screens
  • Fixed an issue where paths can display incorrectly in the code context list in rare cases

Thanks to Kacper for the feedback and suggestions!

Release 0.0.52 - Code Context Tree Structure


July 20, 2024

  • Added support for new GPT-4o mini model
  • Added pricing and other useful information for different API models
Release 0.0.51 - LLM Information


July 18, 2024

  • Added option to use dynamic levels of parent folder names similar to how it is displayed in a code editor
    • For example, you can expect to see .package.json, src/.index.js, src/components/.Button.js, src/utils/time/format/index.js, etc.
  • Added information on how many files are in the current workspace
  • Increased the limit of files in the source code context list to 200
  • Changed the default settings to show parent folder names in both the code context list and the final prompt
  • Fixed an issue where the ignored folders settings could match files instead
  • Fixed other issues with code context list
Release 0.0.50 - Dynamic Folder Parent Names


July 14, 2024

  • Added option to ignore folders when adding files to the code context list
  • Added option to allow 2 levels of parent folder names in the code context list and final prompt
  • Fixed an issue where ending triple backticks are not on a new line (for files not ending with a newline character)
Release 0.0.49 - Ignore Folders


July 11, 2024

  • Added option to add folders to the code context list recursively
  • Added option to include/exclude files added from folders in the code context list automatically
  • Added option to ignore files with specific extensions (suffixes) when adding files to the code context list
  • Added option to specify the context window limit based on the model selected
  • Added a limit of 100 files to be added to the code context list at once to prevent performance issues and hanging
  • Made it easier to copy paste file names in the code context list into the prompt
Release 0.0.48 - Recursive Folder Add Release 0.0.48 - Context Window Limit Setting


July 6, 2024

  • Added workspace feature to save and load code context list
Release 0.0.47 - Workspace Feature


June 30, 2024

  • Added ability to compare output of two different API models side by side (GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet)
Release 0.0.46 - Model Output Comparison


June 28, 2024

  • Added different sorting options for files in the code context list (by name, by added time, ascending or descending)
  • Added option to unselect all files in the code context list
  • Automatically ignore duplicate files when adding files to the code context list, removed the "Remove Duplicates" button
Release 0.0.45 - Code Context Management Release 0.0.45 - Code Context Sorting


June 26, 2024

  • Added support for Anthropic model (Claude 3.5 Sonnet) for API requests
  • Added support for auto-update on macOS
Release 0.0.42 - Claude 3.5 Sonnet Model


June 23, 2024

  • Added ability to copy code block to clipboard directly in API response
Release 0.0.38 - Copy Code Block to Clipboard in API Response


June 19, 2024

  • Optimized file operations to improve performance and consistency


June 15, 2024

  • Fixed an issue where code context list is not updated correctly


June 15, 2024

  • Added ability to clear all files in the code context list
  • Added ability to remove duplicate files in the code context list
  • Added ability to sort files in the code context list (by its current display name)

Thanks to David for the feedback and suggestions!


June 8, 2024

  • Moved default source code position to bottom. This can be changed in settings.


June 7, 2024

  • Added ability to drag and drop folders into the code context list
  • Added file length limit (25000 characters) to prevent accidentally adding long files that causes performance issues


May 22, 2024

  • Fixed wrong API model name being displayed when editing final prompt


May 17, 2024

  • Added API model picker
  • Added support for GPT-4o model (new default model) in addition to GPT-4 for API requests
  • Added blog post task type (experimental)


April 25, 2024

  • Fixed an issue where URLs are stripped when stripping comments

Thanks to pista for the feedback and suggestions!


April 17, 2024

  • Added ability to include parent folder name for files in the final prompt

Thanks to Matt for the feedback and suggestions!


April 7, 2024

  • Added code block and syntax highlighting support for API response
  • Added ability to copy API response to clipboard
  • Added stripping of comments support for Python code
  • Moved file operations to preload module to add unit tests and prepare for an upcoming prompt evaluation framework

Thanks to Jim for the feedback and suggestions!


March 24, 2024

  • Added toggles for including/excluding task type and custom instructions to be more flexible


March 20, 2024

  • Added Custom Instructions selection on home page
  • Adjusted home page layout to be more space-efficient


March 14, 2024

  • Adjusted the layout to make Task Instruction area slightly larger
  • Moved the file name to the top of source code, leaving triple backticks with only file type
  • Adjusted logic of sample prompt insertion to make it append to the end of the prompt, so that the undo stack is preserved

Thanks to Ryan for the feedback and suggestions!


March 7, 2024

  • Added support for Linux (deb package)


March 3, 2024

  • Fix layout issues on Windows and disabled dev tools in production
  • Changed font for code area to font-family: Consolas, Monaco, 'Andale Mono', 'Ubuntu Mono', monospace for better Windows support


February 24, 2024

  • Added support for user-defined custom instructions. You can now create and save your own custom instructions to be used in the prompt.


February 23, 2024

  • Optimized code context layout and styling
  • Added tooltips for buttons (can be disabled in settings)
  • Added support for drag-and-drop of multiple files into the code context list


February 4, 2024

  • Added "Others" task type, with no preset at beginning of the prompt


January 14, 2024

  • Added option to send prompt to OpenAI via API directly
  • Added setting for entering OpenAI API key
  • UI/UX improvements


December 17, 2023

  • Added sample prompts for each task type
  • Optimized layout


December 16, 2023

  • Added version checking and software update
  • Added user analytics


December 6, 2023

  • Fixed file refresh not updating issue


November 30, 2023

  • Added option to enable or disable removing of empty lines (off by default)


November 3, 2023

  • Added question task type
  • Added support for dragging and dropping files into the code context list from File Explorer, Finder or code editor
  • Added option to show parent folder name in the code context list
  • Added option to enable or disable stripping of comments
  • Fixed various layout issues


November 2, 2023

  • Added ability to edit final prompt before copying


September 24, 2023

  • Added information on ignore block to ignore part of code in the file
  • Added persistence of include/exclude information of each file in the code context list
  • Added license check on launch


September 24, 2023

  • Added license key logic
  • Added persistence for all configuration and source code list
  • Added ability to include or exclude files from the code context list without removing them from the list
  • Moved configuration to a separate Settings page

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