Streamlined ChatGPT for Coding

Save hours of copy-pasting and generate the best code from ChatGPT.

Join 500+ users from top companies. Boost your productivity with ChatGPT coding.

Structured Prompt Creation for Coding

16x Prompt allows you to add source code context and formatting instructions into the prompt for ChatGPT coding.

Code Context Integration

Customizable Formatting

Optimal Prompt Structure

GPT-4 & Claude 3

Final Prompt Preview

Token Limit Tracking

Boost Productivity

Generate Better Code

16x Prompt screenshot
16x Prompt settings screenshot

Prompt Tuning

Fine-tune your prompt with various optimization settings to get the best results.

Prompt Snippets

Create and save your best prompts as custom instructions to use across different tech stacks like Next.js, Python and SQL.

API Integration

Enter your own API key to use the OpenAI API for generating prompts to avoid leaking your code to OpenAI training data.


Hear from the users of 16x Prompt.

I was impressed with the UI/UX of the tool and the power it offers. I've used a lot of AI tools in the past, but 16x Prompt stands out.


16x Prompt User

The tool you've created is extremely helpful and I bought it "sight unseen" given its price.


16x Prompt User

Got a curd problems that cursor just can’t get around it. Tried 16x with opus and it finished in one go.


16x Prompt User

Although my prompt engineer is pretty similar but yours reduces the copy paste hassle as i can just drag and drop the file.


Reddit User

16x Prompt - Streamlined ChatGPT for Coding | Product Hunt

Leave Coding to AI

Leverages ChatGPT to complete coding tasks in 5 minutes.

Add Source Code to Prompt

Enter instruction and select source code files to generate final prompt. Copy in one click and paste into ChatGPT.

Formatting Instructions

The app automatically adds optimal formatting instructions to the prompt to generate ready-to-use code. You can also create custom formatting instructions for different use cases.

Optimized Prompt

The app automatically optimizes the source code and prompt for best results. You can also customize various options in settings.

Token Limit Tracking

Keep your prompt within LLM's token limit with the built-in token limit counter.

Use ChatGPT and GPT-4

You can use your existing ChatGPT Plus subscription and the powerful GPT-4 model. No additional cost in API usage when you use ChatGPT web interface.

Local Data Privacy

The app works locally without Internet connection. You can copy-paste final prompt into LLMs running locally to protect your privacy.

16x Prompt Workflow

Experience Prompt-Driven Development. See how 16x Prompt works for real-world coding tasks in this video.

16x Prompt demo video


Frequently asked questions about 16x Prompt.


Which programming languages are supported?

16x Prompt supports all major programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C++, SQL and many more.

Which frameworks are supported?

16x Prompt supports popular frameworks like React, Vue, Next.js, Flask, Django, and more.

What does 16x Prompt do exactly?

16x Prompt is a desktop application that helps you compose prompts from various inputs. It generates prompts from the task instructions, source code files and the formatting instructions. The prompts can then be fed into ChatGPT or other LLMs to generate code.

How do I use 16x Prompt?

First, download and install 16x Prompt. Then, open the application and start composing your prompt. You can enter task instructions and select source code files. Formatting instructions are built-in and can be customized. Finally, you can copy the final prompt and feed it into ChatGPT, or send it to GPT-4 via OpenAI API.


Is 16x Prompt free?

Yes, 16x Prompt is free to download and use. However, the free version can only generate 10 prompts per day. You can purchase a license to remove this limitation.

How many devices can I use 16x Prompt license on?

Each license can be activated on up to 5 devices. If you need to activate on more devices, please contact us for further assistance.

Does 16x Prompt come with OpenAI API key?

16x Prompt does not come with OpenAI API key. You need to have your own OpenAI API key to use the OpenAI API integration feature. You can get your API key from OpenAI website.

Do you offer volume discounts or enterprise licenses for teams?

Yes, we offer volume discounts for bulk purchases. For enterprise licenses, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

How can I protect my company's intellectual property (IP) when using 16x Prompt?

We take data privacy and security seriously. We do not store any of your data on our servers. All data is processed locally on your machine. You can check out our blog post AI Coding: Enterprise Adoption and Concerns for more information on how you can protect your company's IP when using AI tools.


I am not getting good results. What should I do?

Use ChatGPT Classic instead of the default ChatGPT. ChatGPT Classic is better than ChatGPT for coding tasks. Alternatively, try out the new Claude 3 Opus model (paid) which claims to be better than GPT-4.

Is ChatGPT Classic better than ChatGPT?

ChatGPT Classic provides better responses as it has less noise in system prompt, leading to the model following instructions more closely, and give you more free context token to fit more input. It uses GPT-4 behind the scene and provides better results overall.

Is Claude 3 Opus better than GPT-4?

According to paul-gauthier, Claude 3 Opus beats GPT-4 on Aider's code editing benchmark.

I am still not getting good results. What should I do?

You can check out the best practices for using ChatGPT for coding for tips and tricks on getting quality responses. If you are still not satisfied with the results, feel free to contact us.

16x Prompt is not opening or fails to load. What should I do?

You can try to clear the application data and restart the application. On Windows, go to %APPDATA% and delete the 16x Prompt folder. On macOS, go to ~/Library/Application Support and delete the 16x Prompt folder. If you are still facing issues, feel free to contact us.

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16x Prompt - Streamlined ChatGPT for Coding | Product Hunt

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